Saturday, May 20, 2006

Sexual Assault With A Concrete Dildo?

Things I like:

Rescue me - Thanks to Netflix, I've been watching the first season of Dennis Leary's firefighting show on FX, and it is spectacular

The Beckett-Lowell-Ramirez trade - Sure, Hanley is tearing it up in Florida, but Lowell is definitely earning that albatross salary and Beckett, though having had a rough couple of starts, is a fabulous player

The Department of Energy - For giving me a job this summer. I start this coming week.

Bourbon - For always being there when you need it. Wait, what?

The Naked Gun franchise - for the title of this post, the added humor of watching OJ Simpson in action, and the fact that it gave Ricardo Mantalbon since he had this part.

Green Day - For making the best album of the last several years in American Idiot

Burritos - Who doesn't?

South Park - Greatest satirists of our generation

Endings - Because I'm tired of writing


At 10:38 AM, May 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think that the announcer next to Sutcliffe on ESPN last night sounded just like Principal Skinner??

I may still be drunk, I don't know.


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